Yes, Impreza provides full RTL support out of the box, just change language at Settings > General, and needed styles will apply automatically.

You will be able to get FREE updates while the theme is available on ThemeForest.

Yes, it’s compatible with Multisite, you don’t need to apply any additional settings, just install the theme and use it within multisite network. Please note: you should purchase a regular license for every domain.

It’s possible to use the theme without page builder, you can add your content using regular WordPress functionality, but we’d recommend use WPBakery Page Builder for better convenience.

It’s possible to use the theme without page builder, you can add your content using regular WordPress functionality, but we’d recommend use WPBakery Page Builder for better convenience.

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Individual approach

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.